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So far planetesl has created 61 blog entries.

Sightseeing in Korea

2018-02-10T05:33:43+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

Korea is rich with history and culture and benefits greatly from the tourism these things bring: Historical Towns, Palaces and Buddhist Temples: Korea has a rich and wonderful history which is very easy to visit and experience first-hand. Historical towns, palaces and Buddhist temples are located throughout the country and usually a short drive from

City vs Village of Toilets and Bathrooms in Korea

2018-02-10T05:35:47+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

Imagine your surprise and frustration when, barely able to contain yourself, you run into a Korean bathroom and, expecting to find the old familiar and comfortable toilet seat, you see nothing but what appears to be a hole in the floor. "What am I going to do?" you ask yourself. The answer; squat. While homes,

Types of religion in Korea

2018-02-10T05:37:07+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

For many Koreans, the emphasize spiritual aspects of life and religion are a source of strength and support. Statistics indicate that most Koreans have a religion- Christian, 49 percent; Buddhist, 47 percent, Confucianist, three percent; Shamanist, Ch´ondogyo (Religion of the Heavenly Way) and others, 1 percent (CIA, 2000). Historically, kings in the United Silla and

Odd behaviors you might be surprised in Korea

2018-02-10T05:38:37+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

People from different cultures understandably act differently when in public. What may be acceptable behavior in one culture may in fact surprise, shock or even anger a person from a different culture. To help lessen the chance that you may be shocked or offended by something you see or experience in a public place in

Money and Banking in Korea

2018-02-10T05:39:36+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

Korean Currency The currency of Korea is the won symbolized by a , which is a "W" with a horizontal line through it at the middle. Though quite unstable in the late 90's following the Korean economic crash, it has since surged back and the base denomination of 1,000 won is very strong on international

Do you wannna do martial arts in Korea?

2018-02-10T05:40:34+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

Korean Martial Arts have rich and deeply rooted skills that come from the Land of the Morning Calm and have been exported to many other countries around the world. Korea has had many martial arts in its history, but the most well-known today are Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and Kumdo.   Tae Kwon Do Tae

Korean Language A to Z

2018-02-10T05:41:49+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

The Korean language belongs to the Altaic family, which covers a wide range of nations from Turkey in the west to Japan in the east. A highly inflected, polysyllabic and atonal language, Korean is structurally different from Chinese but similar to Japanese. Korean and Japanese incorporate a rich vocabulary from Chinese, much the way English

How do you find housing in Korea

2018-02-10T05:42:54+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

Apartments Korea is a very small country dotted everywhere by small mountains, so available land to build homes for their population of 45 million people is very sparse. For this reason, 80% of Koreans live in some form of apartment building. Flying into Incheon International airport will give first-time visitors to Korea a staggering view

Types of health care in Korea

2018-02-10T05:44:23+00:00By |Categories: Living in Korea|

Hospitals Health care in Korea rates anywhere from average to excellent. Small hospitals can be found literally on every block, though unless you have nothing more serious than a cold, it is advisable to take the time to see a doctor at a larger hospital. Most Korean doctors have been educated in a western country

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